"I can finally feel 100% proud about our streamlined and accurate color management"
Colour Graphic Services, the Australian colour management, ISO and G7 specialist, is pleased to announce its appointment as dealer for the Myiro-1 and Myiro-9 spectrophotometers in Australia and New Zealand. Myiro, a Konica Minolta - owned company, has taken the colour world by storm in the USA and Europe where it has attracted accolades from the most qualified colour experts.
"The two Myiro colour measurement devices fit perfectly into Colour Graphic Services' range of prepress colour measurement instruments and ICC profiling tools," says Managing Director David Crowther, adding "In fact, Techkon was so impressed, it is reselling Myiro in the USA - filling the gap of a low investment ICC profiler with high accuracy, and a fast chart-reading version for rapid profiling."
The Myiro-1 is the perfect hand-held spectrophotometer for any 3rd party supported software such as Mellow Colour PrintSpec, EFI, ORIS ColorTuner, Agfa, ColorGate, Creo, ErgoSoft, Color Logic, with many others being added to this list. It relays measured patches, strips or charts (using the measuring guide), wirelessly, avoiding cables and USB cables. In a single pass scan of a Fogra strip, for example, it sends M0, M1 and M2 in one action. List price is AUD$2,245 + gst. An optional set of colour management, profiling, QC and monitor calibration tools, MyiroTools, is available at AUD$950 + gst.
Super-fast Chart Reading and ICC Profiling

The Myiro-9 is a lightning-fast auto chart reader that delivers data to the majority of 3rd party profiling software used in all print disciplines - 1,500 patches in just 4 minutes! Myiro-9 is the reference instrument used by major print machine manufacturers. Like the Myiro-1, it also includes M0, M1 and M2 data in a single scan. It handles virtually all known colour charts and control wedges and is never fooled by optical brighteners (OBAs) added to many substrates and papers. Myiro-9 can be adapted to a very wide range of substrates. With a list price of AUD$8,900 + gst, it is for the seriously busy print shop and can pay for itself in time saved over a short time where multiple and custom profiles are needed.
Crowther says: "The Myiro spectrophotometers are total quality-manufactured in Japan, by the Sensing division of Konica Minolta and they measure colour as you see it. Accurate profiling has never been faster or easier, as shown in a video at: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DTO0lhnYW3Y&t=131s"
Dozens of colour professionals have remarked on how fast and accurate the Myiro-1 and 9 spectrophotometers are, such as:
"The biggest surprise was the color rendering of the Myiro Profile compared to the market leader. The quality of the photo prints based on the Myiro Profile were simply much better in terms of vividness, contrast, everything." - Stephan Steib, Photographer, USA
"From day one after implementing our updated Myiro profiles we did see an image quality improvement. Since the implementation we have been printing more than ten-thousand jobs and we have not had one single complain regarding skin tones or other color conversion related issues. And as a prepress geek I can finally feel 100% proud about our streamlined and accurate color management." - Magnus Sandström - Digital Workflow Manager, Taberg Media Group, Sweden
"With the Myiro-1, the manufacturer has succeeded in creating a great measuring device with which everyday measuring tasks in the pre-press sector can be handled very well. The heart of the solution, the hardware, could completely convince us, especially the wireless connection, the workmanship, the ergonomics and the smooth and quick scan measurement." - Ronny Willfahrt, PrintXmedia, Germany

Myiro devices are available through Colour Graphic Services in Australia and New Zealand and will be part of its demonstrations at September's PacPrint, Melbourne.