ISO 12647 has made a huge difference in the world of printing. Allowing printers to achieve more accurate, high quality results, this standard of printing is quickly being adopted by printing specialists around the world.
Following the ISO 12647 guidelines provides many benefits to your business. Below you'll discover exactly how this standard can improve your print production.
ISO 12647 Guarantees Quality
When you hold an ISO 12647 certificate, you can guarantee your customers that they will receive the best possible quality. This builds trust and confidence in your work. It also means you'll likely gain higher profits. Customers and clients are willing to pay a lot more for best quality results.
Saving You Time and Money
One of the biggest benefits of ISO 12647 printing is that it could save your company a lot of money in the long term. This is because it cuts down on waste. Due to the accuracy of the printing standards, you're guaranteed the best results every single time. Gone are the days where you need to order a re-run to get it just right.
The fact that you're cutting back on re-runs also means you'll be saving time. You can get jobs out to clients quickly and efficiently. The quicker you turn out orders, the happier your clients will be. You'll also be able to take on additional orders, which is great for expanding the business and earning additional profits.
Up to Date with Printing Developments
When you adopt ISO 12647 printing standards, you'll always be up to date with the latest industry developments. The standards are constantly monitored and reviewed to ensure they are delivering the latest technology. If you want to stay one step ahead of the competition then ISO 12647 can help.
Gain Bigger Brands
Are you looking to add large, successful brands onto your portfolio? The government and other large brands often won't work with a printing company unless they adhere to ISO 12647. By adopting these standards you could bag yourself some really big customers.
These are Our Top 4 Ways ISO 12647 could Make a Difference to Your Print Business.
As technology advances, it's become more important than ever before to focus on high quality colour printing.
ISO 12647 has given businesses the opportunity to create the most precise, unique colour results.
If you're serious about improving your printing business, it's worth looking into becoming ISO 12647 certified - Colour Graphic Services and Mellow Colour deliver training, consultancy & all of the tools to ensure you achieve ISO 12647.